Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Most Powerful Belly Fat Diet In The World?

By Vitaliy Gershfeld

What is the most powerful belly fat diet in the world? It's calorie shifting. Not only does this dieting technique help you lose weight, but it also get rid of the fat stored in your body and especially in the belly. This dieting technique is considered to be the most powerful belly fat diet because it triggers a reflex in your body and causes it to burn metabolism and increase fat burning tremendously. This is also a natural reaction which means it is completely safe and anyone can use it.

Calorie shifting has been a powerful dieting technique that has been sweeping the internet as of late. It isn't some diet fad, it isn't a diet pill and it is unlike any other dieting technique or product you've ever tried. Instead of following conventional dieting rules, calorie shifting goes against them all. For example instead of eating less and conserving your calorie intake, you instead eat more meals and change the amount of calories you consume per meal.

Combined with 2 other steps, calorie shifting's powerful effect on the body is triggered and the body will naturally begin to burn more fat and raise metabolism. Best of all this isn't a dieting technique that requires exercise, because once you start calorie shifting, it works while you sleep, while you eat and while you live your daily life without depriving yourself of anything as most diets force you to do.

It is an ideal diet for anyone who lives a busy lifestyle and cannot devote time to conventional dieting and is even better for someone who is a hurry to lose weight and belly fat quickly and keep it off for good! People who try calorie shifting see a significant difference and a much flatter belly within 1 week. Many also experience the complete disappearance of belly fat within 2 weeks. So what is the most powerful belly fat in the world? The answer is calorie shifting which is also the easiest diet you will ever find.

Calorie shifting is a unique diet that has been censored by many diet companies for 1 reason. It can't make a profit because it isn't a product. It's simply a step by step technique that unleashes your body's full fat burning potentials without the use of drugs or any extreme methods of dieting. It is completely safe and natural and healthy because it gets rid of belly fat quickly preventing obesity, slow metabolism and more.

If you'd like to find out more about calorie shifting including the best ways to do it, important information, how to get started, and get rid of belly fat right away, visit: How To Lose Belly Fat In 10 Days Or Less!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Celebrity Diets - Alicia Silverstone's Vegan Lifestyle

By Michael Lawstock

Alicia Silverstone is a well known actress and a huge spokesperson for PETA. She's a nature and animal lover and has been featured in many of their campaigns. She is a hardcore animal rights activist and a vegan.

She's always had a strict diet and undertaken regular exercise and it shows (have you seen her in that PETA ad where she's naked in the pool!) Well...shes very toned and thin and looks great! Her old diet consisted of steak and doughnuts (not your average celeb food). When she first became famous she was still in the habit of eating whatever she wanted without considering the fat and calorie content. She found her health and lifestyle benefited immensely when she started eating vegan foods.

Nowadays, since becoming vegan, Alicia admits that she is a fitness freak! She reveals that her veggie diet has made her feel healthier than ever before. She has gained alot of self control since becoming vegan. Most people can't even stick to a regular diet plan, let alone one that eliminates dairy, eggs, meat and all other animal byproducts.

When it comes to working out, Alicia Silverstone reveals that she loves jumping on the trampoline! She has one in the backyard of her stylish Los Angeles mansion. (She lives there with her husband Christopher Jarecki).

What does Alicia Silverstone Eat?

Soy Products such as fake cream cheese (tofutti) on multi grain bread
Rice Milk

How Does Alicia Silverstone Workout?

Mainly jumping on the trampoline but also walking and jogging.

Alicia Silverstone is a perfect example of a healthy vegan. She has a well balanced diet and has done alot of research on vegan nutrition. She gets asked alot of questions on her eating habits in interviews. People don't understand the concept of being vegan and many who try to adopt a vegan lifestyle fail.

There are hidden animal ingredients in 85% of foods. Vegetables and fruit are usually a safe bet but sometimes the insecticides used to spray them contains crushed beetles! It is very hard to convert to a vegan diet but once you get used to it you will reap the many health benefits!

Alicia Silverstone should be commended on her commitment to being a vegan. It is an extremely hard transition to go from a meat and dairy eating person to cutting everything out.

Alicia has never admitted to suffering from any form of eating disorder. Her skin glows and her smile is radiant, I believe this is due to her healthy lifestyle!

For more information on Celebrity Diets go to Celebrity Diets or Click Here

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Celebrities Starving All Day

By Michael Lawstock

Fasting has always been an easy way of weight loss. It was religious teachings that introduced the idea of fasting once a week, once a month, and once a year. People wishfully follow fasting with sanctity as a religious matter.

Celebrity fasting diets is a new phase of diet that has been changing all these years. Public is always concerned about celebrity diets, their looks and exercises. Many famous people have easily shed their fat through fasting. When it comes to the fame, fasting changes its role. It does not become that easy as it sounds. Many models survive only on fluids. They mainly fast during the day and later sum up their diet with fluids that are mainly sugar free.

Fasting results in a dramatic weight reduction. Intake of fluids will kill crave for fluids. There are many juices available that gives prolonged vitality during starving. There needs to be an abstinence from the entire favorite food stuffs. Fluids are to be consumed in a large quantity as this leads to the elimination of toxins from the body. Celebrity fasts becomes more famous as it improves mental clarity. A more safe and rapid reduction of weight is maintained without any lack of strength. This also results in a presumptuous confidence due to increased energy level and sensory perception. Prolonged fasting will revitalize the inner organs. It stimulates the body tissues that result in a softer and glowing skin.

Many feel a painful detoxification on the first day of fasting. To some it may even cause headache and dizziness. Fasting becomes a reality only for those who have a slow metabolism. Such individuals has to opt for juice fasting as it has a very powerful healing. By increasing the essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes it thoroughly cleanses the body. The immune system is made powerful with an increase in vitality. Certain celebrities also use laxatives when they are on fasting. Another group of stars and models includes popcorn without salt or butter. Pop corn is low in fat. Salads and vegetables are also being added on alternative days. Without food the metabolic process would no work properly.

Fasting cannot be fully considered as a suitable weight loss method. It leads to a deprivation of nutrients slowing down the metabolic process. Fasting when done at a fortnight is much easier than doing it continuously. It can cause serious health issues including ulcer, decreased heart rate, and even hypoglycemia. The disease that is caused due to such dieting may even lead to a sudden death.

For more information on Celebrity Diets go to Celebrity Diets or Click Here

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat In 10 Days

By Vitaliy Gershfeld

People always wonder how to get rid belly fat. But the thought of getting rid of belly fat in 10 days sounds impossible, right? Well it isn't. In this article you will discover a popular dieting technique that has been helping millions get rid of belly fat in 10 days or less and it's not a drug or any extreme diet. It is a very popular and easy dieting technique that is very flexible and easy to accomplish. But before we actually get into what it is, several belly fat theories myths must be talked about.

The problem is belly fat is one of the most difficult things to get rid of through conventional dieting such as exercise and healthy eating. Even though it's very good for you, when it comes to belly fat, it just doesn't strike the source of the problem because the belly fat is so thick that burning it away with exercise and proper dieting may take months before you see results.

And people who try to overdo it and starve themselves or do extreme workouts end up hurting themselves and not accomplishing anything. So how do you get rid of belly fat in 10 days without making these mistakes?

The answer is to unleash the body's fat burning potentials through a dieting technique called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting is a very unique dieting technique because it breaks every dieting rule ever invented and at the same time accomplishes what no other diet can, fast weight loss, the elimination of belly fat within 10 days or less and is completely natural and safe.

Calorie shifting is not some fancy dieting gimmick. It is done by eating a certain number of meals, making sure every meal has different calorie values and shifting the order in which you eat those meals everyday.

This type of "shifting" in calorie values tricks the body, constantly catching it off guard because it doesn't know how many calories to burn each time you eat (because you keep mixing it up) and this causes it to raise metabolism and fat burning to a whole new level in many case causing instant weight loss and the destruction of belly fat for good! You can get rid of belly fat in 10 days or less with calorie shifting and here's why:

The very first thing your body will do after reacting to calorie shifting will be to strike the areas of your body which contain fat and in this case the belly. It will start burning away pounds after pound and this is something that will be occurring while you're sleeping, while you're eating and while you're enjoying life. Again it is completely safe and healthy and it will get rid of belly fat quickly.

To learn how to accomplish calorie shifting and get rid of belly fat for good, please visit: How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat In 10 Days With Calorie Shifting.

Getting Rid Of Belly Fat With 5 Popular Diets

By Vitaliy Gershfeld

If you're wondering on which ways are best when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, then this article will you explain 5 different ways it can be done. In many cases the 5 diets recommended below can help get rid of belly fat within 1-2 weeks depending on how well you do it. Most of them are very easy to implement and require that you just add the "special products" into your daily life. All of them are natural and completely safe. So let's begin!

Method 1: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a highly powerful product in helping get rid of belly fat. It contains many nutrients will help speed up digestion, metabolism and fat burning. All that you do is drink it 1-2 times a day with water. It's a very simple product you can find at your local health food store.

Method 2: Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are also a powerful product. They are tiny seeds which you can find in several forms: Seeds, grounded seeds and oil. Generally flaxseed oil gives the best results with grounded flaxseeds at a close second. Flaxseeds, like apple cider vinegar contain many nutritional benefits which also help speed the digestion process and raise metabolism and fat burning. They are very tasty and make great add-ons to meals!

Method 3: Coconut Oil

Don't be fooled. Just because it's an oil DOES not mean it will create belly fat. Coconut oil is actually one of the only HEALTHY oils in this world, containing MANY, MANY nutritional vitamins and minerals which help feed your body, restoring it's functions, increasing metabolism, fat burning and circulation of the blood.

Method 4: Cleansing

Cleansing is a very powerful form of cleaning the body from the inside. It's a very difficult procedure because it requires alot of dedication on your part. HOWEVER it is also the fastest way in getting rid of belly fat, this can be anywhere from 5-10 days. In addition cleansing rejuvinates the body making it healthier, cleaner so you will also greatly improve your health at the same time after finishing a cleanse.

Method 5: Calorie Shifting:

Of all the methods described, calorie shifting is the one which gets the most interest because it is very easy to accomplish. Calorie shifting is basically a special dieting technique that causes a reflex in your body. This reflex makes the body increase metabolism and strike the areas of the body containing fat, burning it away very quickly. Usually people can lose belly fat completely within 10 days. It's also very easy to accomplish if you want fast results and don't want to try cleansing.

If you'd like to learn about calorie shifting, please click here to find out more information...

Friday, March 7, 2008

South Beach Weight Loss - Top 3 Reasons To Start Today And Not Tomorrow

By Molly Klein

So who hasn't heard about this coveted South Beach Weight Loss Diet? I'm sure not many people at all. We know it, and know what it does. The South Beach Weight Loss Diet sheds unwanted weight, and it does so in timely manner. So lets discuss why we need to start it today, and not tomorrow.

Some say that it can be unhealthy, in how quickly the weight comes off. If doing your South Beach Weight Loss Diet, always make sure to consult a nutritionist first. having said that, here are the top 3 reasons why you need to start your diet 'now, and not 'tomorrow'.

1. Summer Is Around The Corner

With Summer just around the corner, and those illustrious beaches looking ever more tempting and tempting, we can all see ourselves in our bathing suits. The South Beach Weight Loss Diet if done correctly, can and will get you into the shape you need to in order to have the confidence to get into that old bathing suit and hit the beach running. You can see yourself playing in the ocean, laying out by the pool, or even just at an outside bar b q. So now is the time to start your diet plan, you have the motivation and desire. All you need to do is just take the next step and get started.

2. Staying Active With The South Beach Weight Loss Diet

Along the same lines as the first one, this one has to do with feeling good about yourself. One of the best ways to feel good is to stay active. The good weather is coming along and there is no better way to stay active than to go for a job in your neighborhood under the sun. The warm weather is upon us and we need to give ourselves every motivation to stay active. Use what was made for us, use the Sun, use the side walks and streets. Keep that metabolism up and get outside and stay active.

3. Be An Example For Your Friends And Family

Do it now so that they can do it tomorrow. If you start your South Beach Weight Loss Diet now, get results in a couple months, your friends and family will use you as motivation for themselves. So not only can you start your diet plan to look good and feel good for you, but you can do it for the ones you care about. Be a success story for them to follow, start your diet today, so that they can start theirs and look good and feel good about themselves also.

In conclusion, you are the decision maker. You need the desire within yourself to start your South Beach Weight Loss Diet today, and not tomorrow. Having the 'I'll do it tomorrow" philosophy will not get your looking good and feeling good, so step up, you have the motivation.

Molly Klein is 37 year old nutritionist who has helped hundreds of people look and feel the way they want to feel. She has a regularly updated blog on The South Beach Weight Loss Diet that she updates regularly with information and accounted stories.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cabbage Soup Diet - Cabbage Cultivation

By Darren T

Some people, who desire to lose weight quickly, utilize the well-known Cabbage Soup Diet and this is how they make this vegetable grow. The cabbage is a tough vegetable that grows well when planted in fertile soils. Various shades of green cabbages are available. But there are also purple or red types. The shape of the cabbage head varies from the typical round to pointed or flattened. Most varieties of cabbage have smooth leaves. However, the leaves of Savoy types are crinkly textured.

The Varieties of Cabbages and Cultivation

Cabbage can be grown easily if you choose suitable varieties and observe correct insect management and proper culture. Cabbage has always been regarded as a very good source of vitamins and has disease-preventive properties.

Cabbage varieties are enumerated below, with their respective properties:

� Green Cabbage - perhaps the most common.

� Cheers - have solid round heads; can be harvested in 75 days and are tolerant to black rot and thrips.

� Early Jersey Wakefield - have pointed headsand is harvested in 63 days. It stands well and resists splitting.

� King Cole - have large, firm and extremely uniform heads and can be harvested in 74 days.

� Savoy King - takes 85 days to harvest with dark green color and have very uniform heads.

� Savoy Queen - harvested in 88 days and weighs 5 pounds it has deep green color and is tolerant to heat.

� Red Meteor - takes 75 days to harvest its firm and good for all seasons.

� Ruby Ball - harvested in 71 days and can weigh 4 pounds, they are slow to burst and resists both cold and heat.

Planting of Cabbages

Early cabbages are transplanted soon enough so they will mature before the heat of summer. They are easily transplanted from either cell-pack-grown or bare-root plants. Late cabbages should be started during mid-summer. However, its main head develops during fall. It can either be seeded directly in the garden or transplanted. Whenever possible, seedbeds or seed flats are put in places protected from the sun. This is the normal way of planting cabbage:

� Plants are spaced 12 to 24 inches apart from each other in the row. The space primarily depends upon the variety and the size of the head.

� Sow the cabbage seed 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in the soil and keep it thin and most or transplant the seedling to the spacing desired.

� Starter fertilizer is used when transplanting while for plants that are already half grown, they are side-dressed with nitrogen fertilizer.

� To keep the weeds down, shallow cultivation is done. Sufficient soil moisture is essential throughout the growing season.

Another important factor in growing cabbages is irrigation. This will help the young plants endure the intense sunlight and summer heat and will supply them will sufficient water. There is really no particular time when the cabbages can be harvested, for as long their heads are already formed and solid and firm to hand pressure. However, they must be harvested before their heads crack or split. Good cabbages are essential for a good Cabbage Soup Diet.

Author is the webmaster of Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe. You might be interested in 7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet and Cruciferous Cabbages Can Kill Cancer Cells.